You spread over the invisible scar of timethere where an ancient kingdom of..
- 3 article
Marlene Pasini
Mexico. Communicologist, writer, visual artist. Mexican cultural ambassador to Morocco (IFCH), director of the Arab network in Morocco (IFCH) and cultural adviser to the Cairo cultural forum, psychotherapist, , life and transpersonal education coach, mindfulness coach and Meditation, Master in Literature, Diploma in History, Diploma in Egyptology and Hieroglyphs, Specialist in Ancient and Mystical Wisdom. He has published 14 books of poetry, essays, novels, and personal and spiritual development. Translated into French, Portuguese, Italian, Kanada, Hebrew, Russian and Arabic. Awards: Awards for his poems in Mexico and Argentina. Diamond Star Distinction for his career in Letters, by the International Circle of Journalists. Iberoamerican Literature Prize by the Fundación Liderazgo Hoy A.C. Recognition of Mexican Letters by the Academy of Literature and Poetry. International Immortal Award for his entire professional career. Certified by the International Forum of Creativity and Humanity of Morocco, for the contribution to humanity. Recognition as a Prominent Public Figure by the International Forum of Creativity and Humanity of Morocco for the contribution to humanity. Certified for Excellence in its humanitarian, cultural and creative efforts by the International Forum of Creativity and Humanity of Morocco. Honorary Doctorate, International Forum of Creativity and Humanity of Morocco.
The night goes through us in the deepest,avid snake that penetratesthe cleft..
In the churchyard shadow sadness olive groves of mount sion everything is still..